My Rebuilding Year

baby steps business owner mindset grace losing mindset possibility rebuilding transition winning Oct 06, 2023

Those who know me well, know that I am a died-hard Saints fan and in general a football girl! Well in sports they often refer to a team having a rebuilding year. It is typically when a key player leaves or new coaching staff is brought in or things are restructured. Basically, a huge change is happening that requires time to adjust to in order to win again. When the term is used, it is the team's way of saying give me time and grace to make adjustments. 

This year has definitely been a rebuilding year for me. I have learned so much about myself, my journey, and my calling but I also had to release some parts of myself and refocus. 

The thing about a rebuilding season is the team often is losing until they get it figured out. And at first, I really felt like I was losing in this season of my life. I was watching things that were once easy become challenging and things that were a given start to disappear. 

After a bad game, the coach will always say, we're going to look at the film (the tape of the game) and make adjustments. When I looked at the tape, I realized that God was making me uncomfortable in order to get me to focus on what was to come not what had been. I was allowing the other things in my life to let me play it safe in the areas where I really needed to be more aggressive. A team with a hall-of-frame quarterback could not focus as much on the run game because the passing game is getting them the win. But if that QB retires then all the rest becomes important.

(Side note: Sorry if you are not a football fan reading this because would make more sense)

The point is that I have for a long time had a well-established business and because of the way I structured it I was able to step into my true passion and calling of coaching. But ironically, the freedom it allowed me also became a crutch. Because it served as a major income producer, I didn't approach my passion with my fullness because I had a backup plan. 

Like I said God makes you uncomfortable when He wants to see change. At first, I felt very uncomfortable and like I was having a losing season. But I reflected and quickly realized that I was not losing but transitioning. And while, transition is uncomfortable it is also preparation for greater.

I feel more committed to my purpose, a stronger sense of direction, and next-level fulfillment. I am rebuilding and growing into a space of greater impact! 

Embrace the rebuild, the transitions, the growth moments. They may not always feel or look like winning but you are just working through the changes to come back stronger and more focused. And give yourself grace through the process!

This rebuilding year has been messy, and stressful at times, but it has also been so beautiful and magical. When I look back at the tape, I see progress and unlimited possibilities for the future! 

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