Take the Break!
Feb 06, 2023
As this last week drew to an end, life was lifeing more and more. I had deadlines to meet, I was sleep bad, my son started having foot pains, and my husband suffering with a migraine. I am probably forgetting something. But despite all of it, I was looking forward to a retreat with some of my besties!
I was trying to figure out how to get everything done so that I could be fully present at the event and I was feeling good about turning the corner on the things that I was ready to be over. I create a plan for the last-minute items I needed to get the next morning and the last few "to-do's". As I am turning off all the lights out to go to bed, I see a puddle of water on the guest bathroom floor. Then I realize it is on every bathroom floor. It's midnight and nothing can be done until morning.
The next morning, we secure a plumber but now we have to plan around their window. I need to run errands, my son needs to go to work and I need to get to this retreat that is out of town.
Why am I sharing all of this? Because I want to you know that even when everything seems to be building up, your self-care is still important. I could have dropped out of the retreat but it was not going change anything that was going on. It was all going to be happening and I would just be sitting around worrying about things that I could not change.
Life is going to life. Things are going to happen and sometimes plans are going to change. But fight for your self-care the same way that you would for a client, for your kids, for everyone else. If you have a client scheduled, you would find a way to work it out. If your kids, family, or friend needed you, you would figure it out. FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOU!!!!
You deserve and NEED to have time to recharge, rest, and just not have to worry about responsibilities.
I had to work at it but I was able to make it work and I enjoyed an amazing weekend with some of my favorite people. I felt rested mind, body, and soul. I enjoyed just being Danielle. Not someone's wife, mom, coach, artist, or problem solver, just me!
I came back and the world had not ended, the problems worked themselves out and I was refreshed and prepared to deal with them.
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